DigiTrans Project: A Year of Success, Innovation, and International Recognition!

Dear friends of the DigiTrans project,

As we approach the end of 2024, it’s the perfect time to reflect on the extraordinary progress we’ve made this year. Here’s a brief summary of our most significant achievements:

  1. Development and dissemination: National teams have worked tirelessly to develop and spread the theoretical and practical foundations of DigiTrans.
  2. Implementation of Preparatory courses: Spring saw the launch of preparatory courses in each participating country, crucial for refining the Roundabout methodology.
  3. Co-construction: The Roundabout methodology is the result of a collaborative process involving numerous practitioners from Germany, Austria, Italy, and the Netherlands.
  4. Field testing: In the second half of the year, some practitioners tested the Roundabout methodology with their clients across different countries.
  5. Validation: This testing process is crucial for validating the methodology, highlighting its benefits and areas for improvement.
  6. Case studies: We’re collecting real case studies that will be used to develop future training programs for career counselors.
  7. International recognition: We had the incredible opportunity to present the Roundabout methodology at prestigious international events. These included the NICE Academy at Saxion University in Deventer last September and the IAEVG conference in November in Finland. Interacting with European and international scholars and experts has been a significant moment in the development of the Roundabout methodology, providing valuable insights and feedback.

A special thank you goes to all the CGC practitioners from the network countries who made this project possible. In particular, we’d like to express our gratitude to Claudia Templin and Brigitte Ruske for their contribution from Germany, and to Antonio Rossi, Cristina Muzzolon, Rita Zarbo, and Patrizia Zanibon for their support in developing the Italian case studies. We also thank the CGC practitioners from The Netherlands who are employed at the career service of one of the largest labour unions. For privacy reasons their names are not revealed.

We are currently working on compiling the tested case studies to prepare a specific collection that documents the potential of the Roundabout methodology and will be used in the training program that will be delivered to university students in the next months.

The international recognition and feedback we received have been instrumental in refining our approach and validating its relevance on a global scale. These experiences have not only showcased our work but also allowed us to learn from and collaborate with experts worldwide, further enriching the Roundabout methodology.

Stay tuned for further updates on this exciting project that contributes to transforming the world of career counseling in the digital era!

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