Pilot Testing of the New Counselling Methodology and Online Learning Community in the CGC-DigiTrans Project

Pilot Testing of the New Counselling Methodology and Online Learning Community in the CGC-DigiTrans Project

The CGC-DigiTrans project has reached a significant milestone: since spring/summer 2024, the “CGC-Roundabout for Digital Transformation” methodology has been piloted in practice. This new counselling method, tested by counsellors from Germany, Austria, Italy, and the Netherlands, aims to enhance career counselling, further education counselling, and employer counselling in the face of the challenges posed by digital transformation. The pilot phase is a crucial part of the project and offers participants the opportunity to test the methodology, provide feedback, and actively contribute to its further development.


What is the CGC-Roundabout Method?

The “CGC-Roundabout for Digital Transformation” methodology is based on the concept of multi-actor counselling. In a “roundabout,” similar to a traffic roundabout, various actors—counsellors, employees, employers, and further education institutions—come together to jointly identify employees’ digital competence needs and offer appropriate training. The methodology supports the harmonisation of all participants’ needs and helps adapt the counselling process to the demands of digital transformation. It ensures that all actors enter and leave the counselling process at the right moment, contributing to tailored counselling and faster implementation of appropriate training programmes.
This holistic counselling methodology is necessary to address the complex challenges of digital transformation and ensure that the development of digital competences remains a priority. The CGC-DigiTrans project is making a significant contribution to the future-oriented development of career counselling through the development and pilot testing of this method.


Pilot Testing: Shaping and Advancing the Method

The pilot testing of this method runs from June to September 2024 and offers counsellors the chance to test the methodology in their counselling processes. Participants have previously completed a preparatory course and are now bringing their practical experiences to the process. The aim is to evaluate the method’s practicality and contribute to its further development through feedback and case studies. A feedback form accompanies the process to document the experiences. In collaboration with project partners, anonymised case studies will be developed based on the pilot cases.


The Role of the Online Learning Community

A particular highlight for participating counsellors from Germany and Austria is the transnational Online Learning Communities. These have been taking place regularly since June 2024 and offer a platform for exchanging experiences from the pilot phase and discussing method-related topics. In these virtual meetings, counsellors from various organisations come together to share experiences, learn from one another, and collaboratively develop solutions.
The Online Learning Community sessions within the CGC-DigiTrans project cover various key topics in career counselling. These include the integration of multiple actors in the counselling process, as well as the development and use of counselling networks. Another focus is on the integration of digital tools into the counselling process and the long-term maintenance of counselling relationships. Additionally, strategies for counselling marketing and the importance of understanding employers’ motivations in the counselling context are addressed. These sessions provide valuable insights and facilitate exchange among counsellors on both national and international levels.
Each session begins with a short keynote presentation on current topics related to digital transformation and career counselling, followed by time for peer exchange. Participation is voluntary and free of charge.



The pilot testing of the CGC-Roundabout methodology and participation in the Online Learning Communities offer counsellors from Germany and Austria a unique opportunity to actively contribute to the development of a forward-looking counselling method. Through exchanging ideas with colleagues and the practical testing of the methodology, they play a valuable role in the advancement of career counselling in the context of digital transformation.

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