Hochschule der Bundesagentur für Arbeit HdBA
(University of Applied Labour Studies)
Contact person: Prof. Dr. Peter Weber, peter.weber@hdba.de
The University of Applied Labour Studies of the Federal Employment Agency (Hochschule der Bundesagentur für Arbeit HdBA) is a state-accredited university of applied sciences. It was founded in 2006 by the Federal Employment Agency, Germany’s largest provider of labour market services. In addition to offering bachelor and master degree courses, the HdBA is conducting research on national and international level. The HdBA also offers in-service training for employees of the Federal Employment Agency and other stakeholders in the fields of labour market, vocational training and education, and career counselling. The HdBA’s research focus is on applied research in the fields of career counselling and guidance, job and training placement, and other labour market related topics, both in Germany and abroad. Its proximity to practice-oriented issues related to career guidance and counselling is one of the HdBA’s unique features. In its broad multidisciplinary approach the HdBA covers a wide range of issues related to career guidance and counselling for Vocational Education and Training (VET) and labour market opportunities. An important focus is to integrate perspectives from Business Studies and Human Resources (HR) into Career Guidance and Counselling (CGC). This includes collaboration between Public Employment Services (PES) and employers in research and practice. Specific topics in this context are work-place oriented guidance, career development and career counselling, aging workforce and demographic change, upskilling for employees with lower qualifications, digitalisation, and further training as prevention of unemployment.

Università degli Studi di Padova
(University of Padua)
Contact persons: Lea Ferrari, lea.ferrari@unipd.it; Teresa Maria Sgaramella, teresamaria.sgaramella@unipd.it
The University of Padua was established in 1222, after a group of students and teachers decided to come here from Bologna. Defending freedom of thought in study and teaching became a distinctive feature which today lives on in the University motto: Universa Universis Patavina Libertas. In its mission to create value for its stakeholders and for the whole community, the university reaffirms its central role as a public body and promoter of sustainable development. Today it is a TOP 250 university in the world that provide its 60.000 students with both professional training and a solid cultural background in a broad range of multidisciplinary courses. The 32 departments grouped in 5 schools delivery courses that are constantly updated in order to meet the ever-changing needs of the labour market and global society.

Universität für Weiterbildung Krems
(The University for Continuing Education Krems)
Contact person: Martin Stark, martin.stark@donau-uni.ac.at
The University for Continuing Education Krems is the leading public university for continuing education in Europe. With its expertise in teaching and research it works to overcome societal challenges. As university for continuing education we specialize in enhancing the qualifications of working professionals. The strength of University for Continuing Education Krems is providing university courses that keep pace with the times and are oriented toward current and future societal challenges. Approximately 8,000 students are currently enrolled in University for Continuing Education Krems, more than 29,000 have already completed their studies successfully.Research at University for Continuing Education Krems is centered on contemporary and future challenges society faces. In a transdisciplinary context we build bridges between basic research and practice-oriented application, between individual disciplines and in particular to society.The University for Continuing Education Krems combines ongoing innovation in research and teaching with the highest standards and holds the seal of quality of the Agency for Quality Assurance and Accreditation Austria (AQ Austria).

Saxion University of Applied Sciences
(Hogeschool Saxion)
Contact person: Jan Woldendorp j.woldendorp@saxion.nl
Saxion University of Applied Sciences is one of the largest institutions of higher education in the Netherlands, with over 28,000 students (and still growing), 14% of which are international students. The roots of the university can be traced back to 1875. Since then, Saxion University has evolved and come to be recognized as an important center of expertise at regional, national and international level. Saxion currently (2021) employs approximately 3100 employees. Saxion offers a wide variety of Bachelor and Master degree programs. The School of Applied Psychology and Human Resources Management in Deventer and Enschede offers full time and part-time programs in the field of Applied Psychology, (international) Human Resource Management and Human Resources Development. The school has a research group ‘Employability transition’ with two full-time professors, two associate professors and 30 researchers. Research is done in three research programmes (1) inclusive society, (2) lifelong development, and (3) human technology interaction. The department Knowledge Transfer delivers shorter or longer (postgraduate) courses for practitioners in the field of jobcoaching, Supported Employment, career development and guidance, labour market and employment services and HRD. In close co-creation with organizations and professionals within the Saxion network new programs are developed in the fields mentioned. One of the recent activities is the research and development of (online) assessment and guidance tools.

VšĮ “eMundus”
(Public Institution “eMundus”)
Contact person: Neringa Kelpšaitė, neringa@emundus.lt
Public Institution “eMundus” was established in 2009 to streamline research and implementation activities in the area of education and concerning with the use and adaptation of information and communication technologies in different spheres. The mission of eMundus is actively promote the knowledge society, while creating and developing services mainly related to ICT, innovations, as well cultural aspects, healthy lifestyle, green activities and practical adaptation of them in education and community activities, seeking to ensure the quality of cooperation and unity between different generations and different social groups. eMundus specialists work on the creation of information systems which are used or adapted to education environments, created systems are used in the universities, kindergartens, VET schools, secondary schools, as well in international education institutions, created portals are used in National and European levels.